There are so many car baby mirror types and models, how do you know which one is right for you? The right rear view mirror is the one that, when used correctly, helps you create a safe driving experience for your child.

  • Quickly assess the safety of your babies, toddlers and kids in the back seat of your car.

  • Spend more time with eyes on the road instead of looking over your shoulder.

  • See whether your children are correctly seated in their car seats.

  • Have a clear view of the road and your blind spots.

  • Allows your child to see your face and feel connected with you.

Pikibu is an interior car mirror that attaches over your car rearview mirror. People around the world are stuck in the past, held back by their car rear view mirror. Today, when friends and family are connected by smart phones and fast internet connections, we think it's silly that most people still look through their old flat rearview mirrors. Our mirror was specifically designed with families in mind. The unique dimensions and curvature of the mirror maximize the viewable area within your automobile. It allows you to see your children and your children to see you.   Pikibu. I see you.